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ESE Web Manager (CMS)   D-Survey (Encuestas)   D-Tasks (Itinerario)

ESE Web Manager (CMS)Efficient, Simple, Economical is a content management solution for the development and management of websites. ESE Web Manager provides an easy way to manage editorial and graphical content from a protected administrative area that allows you to include, edit and publish on your site. There is no need to hire a third party to update your site. / More info...

D-SurveyD-SURVEY Is the ideal tool to develop and tabulate surveys over the Internet. The results are available immediately and presented in a user friendly graphical interface. Once the user has completed the survey online, both the user and the surveyor can access the individualized and/or the accumulated results at once. / More info...

D-TasksD-TASKS Is a tool for the tracking of tasks and time management of resources. It also provides the option of maintaining a record on the time, costs and assigned resources on any given project or task. The system permits different levels of use, reports and statistical graphics. / More info...

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