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A tool for the tracking of tasks and time management of resources...

Improve communication channels between administrators and maintain track of time management...

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D-Tasks Is a tool for the tracking of tasks and time management of resources. It also provides the option of maintaining a record on the time, costs and assigned resources on any given project or task. The system permits different levels of use, reports and statistical graphics. D-Tasks can be accessed only by a username and a password given by the application administrator or authorized personnel.

Its primary function is to improve communication channels between administrators and to maintain track/records of time management. D-Tasks also provides tools for automatic communication through email and sms. You will have access to view, update, add, move and/or edit any information 24/7. By using D-Task you will be able to:

  • Create departments and/or work divisions like accounting, human resources, sales, and other.
  • Assign specific tasks to each department and/or division.
  • Create a list of personnel and vendors.
  • Create and assign tasks to available groups or individuals.
  • Create clients lists
  • Keep track of expenses by vendors and/or by tasks.
  • Keep track of the hours assigned to each client, task or department.
  • Adjust bill of materials by task.
  • Assign hourly rates to clients and tasks.
  • Assign tasks by client.
  • Assign priorities.
  • Assign tasks by date and time.
  • Assign comments and notes.
  • Follow up remaining and completed times and schedules.
  • Keep history of pending and completed tasks.
  • Plan the utilization of available resources.
  • Establish supervision levels.
  • View and follow up on assigned tasks.
  • Communicate task status automatically using the system, email or sms.
  • Keep track of time invested into projects/tasks.
  • Keep history of assigned tasks and collaboration.
For more information call us at 787-620-5597 or email us at:

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